Friday 10 November 2017

News Values

Main Valves:

Threshold- Big impact/ big story
Unexpectedness- a shock event/ out ordinary
Negativity- Bad news
Elite persons/ places- Famous/ important
Unambiguous- No confusion/ straightforward
Personalisation- Personal/ human story/ relatable
Proximity- Close to home
Continuity/ Currency- updates to stories/stories that continue

Gatekeeping - A term which is applied to the editing and filtering process where decisions are made to let some information 'pass through' to the receiver (audience) and other information remains barred.

News Values - Galtung and Ruge:

In 1965 some media researchers analysed international news stories to find out what kind of stories came top of the news 'agenda' worldwide. Their findings led them to creating a list of 'news values' - A kind of scoring system. A story that scores highly on each news value is very likely to make the front page, or the start of a TV news bulletin.

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