Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Bias in the News: Political Affiliations

Right Wing:

-       Conservative supporters, UKIP, BNP
-       The daily mail, The telegraph, The times, The sun
-       “You earn what you work for and should keep what you can”
-       Survival of the fittest/ richest/ best educated
-       Believe in privatisation of things like health care, education, ect
-       Do not want welfare state, ie benefits etc.
-       In favour of Brexit
-       Anti- immigration
-       Many voted against equal rights for gay people, some have ‘traditional’ views of women and pay

-       Often tied to the church or Christian belief.


-       Liberal democrats
       -       The Independent  
       -       Support aspects of both right and left wing parties.


       -       Labour party, Green Party, Socialist worker Party, Communism
-       The Guardian, The Mirror
-       Believe in spreading the wealth for more equality
-       Taxation for the rich to pay for support for the poor
-       Support nationalism
-       Public health, state education etc.
-       Pro- Europe, against Brexit
-       Pro- Multi culture (Pro immigration)
-       Pro- Gay marriage, woman’s rights etc.

-       Pro- Environment and worried about climate change

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